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A Maineiac

Mainer = A person who stays in Maine for an entire winter.

Maineiac = A person who doesn't have the sense to leave Maine after the 1st winter.

Christina Aguilera's Doggy Bag

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(Another media darling makes a complete idiot of herself - I love the last paragraph!!! Thanks, Dad, for sending this to me!)

Christina Aguilera has apparently acquired a new sense of eco-awareness. Known to be a bit of a temperamental diva, Aguilera had a run-in with a glitzy Hollywood restaurant over some leftovers.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the singer had finished her meal at a trendy eatery and had requested that the waiter place her uneaten food into a doggie bag. When she was brought the leftover food in a styrofoam box, Christina purportedly blew her cork.

Aguilera was furious that this kind of environmentally-unfriendly material was being used and began to give the waiter a lecture on the evils of the polystyrene plastic.

She allegedly ended up storming out the door leaving her styrofoam doggie box behind.

The Left Coast Report says Christina shouldn't worry too much about the biodegradability of styrofoam. After all, parts of her body may last several thousand years longer than the little plastic food box.

(Heheeeeeeeee!!!! Isn't that great?!)