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A Maineiac

Mainer = A person who stays in Maine for an entire winter.

Maineiac = A person who doesn't have the sense to leave Maine after the 1st winter.

The Pope and the Lawyer

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The Pope died and went to heaven. When he got there, he found a lawyer in line in front of him at the Pearly Gates.

Saint Peter came over and told the Pope, "Just a minute, I'll be right back." At that, Saint Peter took the lawyer away.

When Saint Peter came back, he told the Pope, "Follow me to your new quarters."

Read more: The Pope and the Lawyer

National Institutes for Health

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The National Institutes of Health have announced that they will no longer be using rats for medical experimentation. In their place, they will use attorneys. They have given three reasons for this decision:

1. There are now more attorneys than there are rats.

2. The medical researchers don't become as emotionally attached to the attorneys as they did to the rats.

3. No matter how hard you try, there are some things that rats won't do.

Mr. Smith is Dead

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A law firm receptionist answered the phone the morning after the firm's senior partner had passed away unexpectedly.

"Is Mr. Smith there?" asked the client on the phone.

"I'm very sorry, but Mr. Smith passed away last night," the receptionist answered.

"Is Mr. Smith there?" repeated the client.

Read more: Mr. Smith is Dead 

A Matter of Distrust

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A defense attorney was cross-examining a Chicago police officer during a felony trial... Iit went like this:

Q. Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?

A. No sir, but I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender running several blocks away.

Q. Officer, who provided this description?

A. The officer who responded to the scene.

Read more: A Matter of Distrust

Married In Heaven

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On their way to get married, the happy couple was involved in a fatal car accident. They found themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to admit them into Heaven.

While waiting, the couple began to wonder if they could possibly get married in heaven. When St. Peter showed up, they asked.

"I don't know," replied St. Peter. "This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out." St. Peter leaves.

Read more: Married In Heaven

Mafia's Accountant

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The Godfather, accompanied by his attorney, walks into a room to meet with his accountant.

The Godfather asks the accountant, Where's the three million bucks you embezzled from me?" The accountant doesn't answer. The Godfather asks again, "Where's the three million bucks you embezzled from me?" The attorney interrupts, "Sir, the man is a deaf-mute and cannot understand you, but I can interpret for you."

Read more: Mafia's Accountant

Long Live The Lawyer?

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A lawyer dies in a car accident on his 40th birthday and finds himself greeted at the Pearly Gates by a brass band.

Saint Peter runs over, shakes his hand and says, "Congratulations!!!"

"Congratulations for what?" asks the lawyer.

"Congratulations for what?!" says Saint Peter. "We're celebrating the fact that you lived to be 160 years old!"

"But that's not true," says the lawyer. "I only lived to be forty."

"That's impossible," says Saint Peter. "We've added up your time sheets."

Long Day In Court

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A New Yorker was forced to take a day off from work to appear for a minor traffic summons. He grew increasingly restless as he waited hour after endless hour for his case to be heard. When his name was called late in the afternoon, he stood before the judge, only to hear that court would be adjourned for the rest of the afternoon and he would have to return the next day.

Read more: Long Day In Court

Lawyer Included

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Every year there are more product-liability awards, and every year manufacturers have to put more warnings in the owners' manuals, and every year the radish-brains come up with newer, more innovative ways to injure themselves.

There will come a day when every product you buy will come with an actual living lawyer inside the box, sealed in plastic; as soon as you break the seal, the lawyer will emerge and start preparing your product-liability lawsuit.

(This system is feasible because product-liability lawyers are spore-based organisms who can survive for years without air.)

- Dave Barry

Lawyer's Funeral

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Three good friends were driving along on the highway one Saturday: a doctor, a teacher, and a lawyer. All of a sudden, a brand-new SUV cut them off. In an attempt to miss the shiny big vehicle, the driver swerved to the left and hit the median. The car flipped several times and all three friends died instantly. They all found themselves in line waiting to get into Heaven.

Read more: Lawyer's Funeral

It's Serious!

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Just as a young man was about to get a chest X-Ray, the equipment slipped and his pelvic region was X-Ray'd instead.

"Oh, no!" cried the lab technician, "Your reproductive organs just received a dose of radiation!"

"What does that mean?" asked the worried young man.

"It's serious," replied the technician. "All your children will be lawyers!"

An Honest Lawyer

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An investment counselor went out on her own. She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in. Pretty soon she realized she needed an in-house counsel, and so she began interviewing young lawyers.

"As I'm sure you can understand," she started off with one of the first applicants, "in a business like this, our personal integrity must be beyond question." She leaned forward and continued, "Mr. Peterson, are you an honest lawyer?"

Read more: An Honest Lawyer


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A prominent young attorney was on his way to court to begin arguments on a complex lawsuit when he suddenly found himself at the Gates of Heaven.

St. Peter started to escort him inside, when he began to protest that his untimely death had to be some sort of mistake.

"I'm much too young to die! I'm only 35!"

Read more: Heaven


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An attorney passed on and found himself in heaven, but not at all happy with his accommodations.

He complained to St. Peter, who told him that his only recourse was to appeal his assignment.

The attorney immediately advised that he intended to appeal, but was then told that he would be waiting at least three years before his appeal could be heard. The attorney protested that a three year wait was unconscionable, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Read more: Heaven


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Following a distinguished legal career, a man arrived at the Gates of Heaven, accompanied by the Pope, who had the misfortune to expire on the same day.

The Pope was greeted first by St. Peter, who escorted him to his quarters. The room was somewhat shabby and small, similar to that found in a low grade motel type establishment.

Read more: Heaven

Have a Heart

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A doctor tells a rich old man that he's going to die if he doesn't get a new heart soon. The old man tells the doctor to search the world for the best heart available, money is no object.

A few days later the doctor calls the old man and says he has found three hearts but they are all expensive. The old man reminds the doctor that he is filthy rich and implores him to tell him about the donors they came from.

Read more: Have a Heart

Grass Is Served

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One day a lawyer was riding in his limosine when he saw a guy eating grass. He told the driver to stop. He got out and asked him, "Why are you eating grass?"

The man replied, "I'm so poor, I can't afford anything thing to eat."

So the layer said, "Poor guy, come back to my house."

Read more: Grass Is Served

A Good Trick

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A defendant was on trial for murder in Oklahoma. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse.

In the defense’s closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all," the lawyer said as he looked at his watch. "Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom."

Read more: A Good Trick